If you are a victim of human trafficking then you may be eligible for a “T” visa. This visa requires that the following be true: You are a victim of human trafficking. You are assisting in the investigation or prosecution of human trafficking, unless you are under the age of 18 at the time of…

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An O-1 visa is a visa for individuals with extraordinary abilities in the sciences, arts, education, business, or athletics, or who has demonstrated a record of extraordinary achievement in the film industry.  This visa allows a person to live and work in the United States for up to three years and does not offer a…

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While you are permitted to leave the United States as a lawful permanent resident or green card holder, you are still subject to certain restrictions. Too much travel can disrupt your ability to show continuous residence in the United States, which can threaten your green card status and jeopardize your ability to seek citizenship later.…

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There are plenty of great reasons to seek employment in the United States. And the United States certainly needs foreign workers. For example, the US recently announced it will be offering 300,000 temporary work visas for Mexicans and Central Americans.  Employers are fast-straining the caps for H-2B visas, the temporary nonagricultural worker visas.  All the…

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Green cards are the most powerful immigration benefit you can receive, but they don’t last forever. Some are conditional, meaning they last just two years before you must seek an adjustment of status to get those conditions removed. Even “permanent” green cards last just two years. You can renew your green card an unlimited number…

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Founding a start-up in the United States can be a path to lawful permanent residency or even citizenship. For many, getting started will be little more than a matter of choosing the right visa or program and then following the steps to meet certain requirements. Not all of these pathways require you to have a…

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Many of the ways you can go about getting citizenship are tedious, difficult to go through, and uncertain.  It may come as no surprise that literally buying your way into United States permanent residency, and eventual citizenship, is one of the easiest ways to get the job done.  The EB-5 is the immigrant investment visa.…

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Did you know that immigrants need to pay taxes just like citizens? United States law requires even undocumented immigrants to file and pay taxes. Since nobody wants trouble with the IRS, here is what you need to know.  Which immigrants must pay taxes? Any immigrant who has earned money while living in the United States…

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The United States does offer a pathway by which a US citizen can file a petition to bring a sibling to the United States as a permanent resident. Siblings are “Fourth Preference” family class immigrants which does mean they could wait a long time before they are allowed to enter the United States or receive…

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If you have a valuable employee that you’d like to keep around indefinitely then you can sponsor them for a green card by going through a specific application process. You can only do this for EB visa holders or dual-intent temporary work visa holders like the H1-B, the L-1, and the O-1 work visas. Here’s…

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